beer and hops

Brewing Success: Why Hop Taps is the Best Marketplace for Brewers

  •   8 Apr 2024

With the hum of fermentation tanks as our symphony, Hop Taps is fine-tuning a platform that resonates with the heartbeats of brewers. As we add the final hops to our website, refining the robust flavours of our service offerings, we recognize that the core ingredient to our success is you, the brewer. We are on the cusp of launching a platform that promises not only to showcase your craft beers but also to champion your presence in the bustling pub scene.

Streamlining Your Path to Pubs

Gone are the days of complex logistics and fragmented deliveries. Our infographic illustrates the tangled journey many brewers face: the missed collections, the disjointed routes, and the sorrow of broken bottles. Hop Taps introduces a harmonized approach, syncing the rhythm of brewing with the pulse of the marketplace.

Weekly Collections, Simplified

We understand that time spent away from the brewing vats is a missed opportunity for creativity. That's why our model features weekly collections of your products, efficiently whisking them away in pallet form, freeing you from the daily grind of logistics. We'll store your stock at no cost for up to four weeks, managing inventory with precision and foresight.

AI-Powered Sales Predictions

At Hop Taps, artificial intelligence does the heavy lifting, predicting sales and optimizing stock levels. Our system anticipates the demand over the next fortnight, ensuring your beer is not only ready to quench thirst but also primed for peak freshness upon delivery.

Direct Delivery, Unmatched Quality

We pride ourselves on our craft beer couriers — specialists in handling your labour of love, delivering directly to pubs with the care it deserves. This means your beer maintains its integrity from the brewery to the bar, every step of the journey.

Better Margins, Prompt Payments

Say farewell to the steep costs and narrow margins left by traditional couriers. Our cost-efficient, per-litre delivery pricing model is designed to boost your bottom line. And with Hop Taps, the wait for payments becomes a thing of the past. We honour your hard work with prompt payments, ensuring a steady and reliable cash flow for your brewery.

Access to the Largest Markets

We're not just a service; we're your gateway to the largest on-trade beer markets in the UK. Our dedicated sales team is as passionate about selling your beer as you are about brewing it. With Hop Taps, your exceptional brews will find their way to the finest pubs, delighting palates and increasing your brand presence.

Sustainability at Our Core

Our commitment to the environment mirrors the craft brewing ethos — a dedication to sustainability. With fewer vans on the road and a focus on direct routes, we're reducing carbon emissions, making each delivery a step towards a greener future.

Get Ready to Brew More

As we gear up for the grand unveiling of Hop Taps, we invite you to join this revolutionary journey. The landscape of craft beer distribution is evolving, and we want you at the forefront. Stay tuned for updates and, in the meantime, sign up for our newsletter to be part of the narrative that changes how craft beer reaches the masses.